Great Tips to Boost Social Media Marketing Results

Great Tips to Boost Social Media Marketing Results

Social media marketing, if done the right way, can help you reach great results with your business. A lot of studies have shown that social media can generate up to 30% of websites’ traffic. 

But to generate traffic through social media, you need to make sure that you build a successful social media strategy. Yet, if you have already a social media which is working, you may still want to boost the rate.

These are some effective tips you can follow to increase your social media marketing impact, and boost your business growth.

Well Formatted Tweets

Simple tweets are likely to become lost in the endless live feeds. Instead, tweets formatted in a good way can catch the reader’s eye and raise his curiosity. In order to change the boredom of your messages, try to include a font color or line breaks, or some fun symbols that are offered in different services like Emojis.

Longer Posts

Twitter is not included here as it offers only a limit of 140 characters, but Google+ gives the opportunity of much longer posts. This encourages users to comment and give their feedback. Longer posts are likely to receive +1s and comments, which something important for your social media marketing efforts.

Facebook Groups

Free organic reach to Facebook pages is always diminishing, so you need other ways to increase reach to your page. Facebook groups are an option that helps businesses and marketers to boost their Facebook marketing results. Users can join your groups and get notifications about any updates in the group.

Embedded Call-to-Actions

Instead of sharing common posts, you can add some flavor to your posts. Such posts with call-to-action buttons can boost clicks and traffic, and also generate more leads. You can check this tutorial to learn how to add embedded call-to-action buttons to your Facebook posts.

Multiple Social Media Platforms

When you market over different social media platforms, you can turn your Twitter followers into Fabook followers, or you can make your Google+ connections join you on LinkedIn. And when you share on the top social media platforms on a regular basis, your followers remember you and keep following your updates.

Some Fun

It’s good to maintaining professional profiles, but from time to time you need to be a bit weird and make your fans, followers, and connections smile and laugh. When you make them smile, they will admire your business and can invite their friends to follow you. 

Connect People

When you have great customers that follow you, try to encourage them to connect with each other over and over. If you succeed to give birth to some good relationships, they will keep remembering you and you will become a reference of common interest, and of course they will keep their relation with your business.

Be positive

Add positive attitude. Instead of joining irritated crowds, tell your audience something positive and share important issue that your audience will care about.  Remember that emotions are contagious, and if you spread optimism through the updates you share, you are likely to get followed. 

Bad Customers

Take actions against bad customers when needed. The best business owner knows when to fire a bad customer without any regret. Sometimes, some customers are upset for nothing and can attack honest and reasonable businesses. In such cases, you need to give a polite reply but describe the problem to followers. This way, you can get incredible support and even generate more good customers. 


When you ask for replies, try to take your followers to a certain mind-set. If you ask a question without any specific direction from your side, it can only get some canned replies. Instead, when you suggest some format for responses, you will get surprised how innovative responses you can get. And they will remember you and your business.

Recruit and Influencer

If you have enough resources to recruit an influencer, you will generate good results. You just need to be selective to the influencer profile that can macth your business and discuss your guidelines and your goals. You can check this post to learn more about influencer marketing

What other tips you can share?


Rachid Madani

I'm here to help you reach success with your online business. I can help with content marketing, social media, SEO, and email marketing. I provide tips you can follow to build a succesful online business.

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