16 Tips to Hit Success with Your Email Marketing In 2016

Tips to Hit Success Email Marketing  

Email has come a long way since its founding when Raymond Tomlinson, who left this world March 5, 2016, sent the first network email. Today, more than 144 billion emails are sent every single day. That’s why everyone that does online marketing should not ignore the power of email and remember that it can boost benefits for businesses.

There are a lot of basics to win the challenge in email marketing. You can apply these tips to increase your email marketing results in 2016 and over.

These are some tips that will help you start a successful email marketing strategy.

1. Time to Send

As every business has its peculiarities including the subscriber list, the content, so your business has unique send time different from others’. Email marketing experts showed that the best emails are those sent between 8:00 p.m. and midnight. 
As the sending time is important, so it is also crucial to know your perfect sending time to reach expected results. This should be your starting point in email plan. 

2. Send in Weekends

The previous tip discusses the perfect sending time, but what about the perfect sending days? Email marketing studies showed that email sent on weekends perform better than those sent in weekdays. So, you need to schedule sending your marketing emails in weekends. This will boost your email opening rate.

3. Email for Mobile

Today, most of online users browse through mobile devices and the rate is increasing. So, your email marketing should keep trending and get optimized to match these mobile platforms. Some of the conducted studies showed that mobile traffic makes up 47% of the average email open rate. That means that you should optimize your sent email to perform well on mobile devices. 

What you need is to put your email content in one column templates, and amplify the font size so as it can be readable on small screens. Make sure also that you adjust buttons and make them at least 44x44 pixels, and make CTA buttons easy to click by showing them in center of the screen. 

4. Free Give Away

Who doesn’t want free things? Everyone! This is applied also in email marketing. Think of offering free stuff. All the surveys conducted showed that emails that offer free give-away stuff are opened at a much higher rate. 

In order to boost customer engagement with customers, think to occasionally offer free stuff. Whether a an e-book, free tools, small gifts, keep your audience interested and you will in turn boot your email marketing ROI over the year.

5. Number of Emails

The number of emails you send is important. When you send high number of email, you risk got in spam trap and get blocked by internet service providers (ISPs). So this is why you need to reduce the number of emails you send in your email marketing strategy to the most important emails. As long as you build a good opt-in email reputation, you can stay away of risk. You can check this post that discusses the best practices for large volume senders.

6. Active Subscriber List

It is known in email marketing world that it’s only around 63% of email subscribers that are active in every email list. So, your challenge is how to increase this rate and engage more subscribers as possible. To win this battle, marketers follow what is known as re-engagement campaign as discussed in this post that explains How to Re-Engage Subscribers

This strategy differs from one marketer to another, but what is important is to keep testing different subject lines to figure out those that performed well and get the highest click rates from a subscribers list. But, never ignore the value of your re-engagement campaigns. Those sleepy subscribers click your email; they will expect something of value. 

7. Write to One Subscriber

People don’t want to be a number in a large list of subscribers. So, you need to make your email more personal as if you are writing to one person. This way, when a user opens the email he feels as if you are talking to him personally. It’s a great way to add value to your emails and subscriber would want to click your CALL To ACTION.

8. Write Respectfully

Keep in mind that people’s inboxes are flooded everyday with hundreds of emails, so always consider this when you send an email. It’s important to respect your reader’s time which means “Do not Spam”. Spamming is the easiest ways to get subscribers leave your list. Customers regard highly companies that don’t send spam. 

Like in any content you create in marketing strategies, your email should add value to the user. Meaning, send emails only when you have something of importance to share with users. As users’ time is valuable, be accurate in your emails and get to the point as quick as possible. 

9. Be in Your Readers’ Side

When someone subscribes to your email list, the intention is to get valuable information and great content. But you, as a marketer, can make the reader to wait impatiently for your next email?

It’s easy. Always remind your subscribers that you are in their side. You can that through different ways including surveys, polling readers for ideas, show your readers that you sympathize with them in their problems and then offer solutions to solve them. This tip if done the good way can move your email marketing strategy to another stage. 

10. Reward Subscribers

When you have a list of faithful readers that are interested in your emails and keep engaged with your content, you need to keep them that way. You can that by rewarding them for their faithfulness to keep the same engagement with your emails in the future. Reward ideas can differ from one person to other but they can be some secret sale to insider info for instance, or any great content not published elsewhere. 

11. Use Powerful Language

You can start from your experience. You can receive tens of emails a day and you don’t open them until some exciting words catch your eye. So, try to be selective in words you use in your email, especially in the subject line. Using emotive and powerful words in your email marketing can increase the open rate of your emails.  

12. Write Simple Headlines

When your readers have to guess what is the meaning of your headline; then you just have lost a reader for your email. When it comes to email marketing, your language should be simple and clear. The email should provide great information quickly and vividly without any brain ache. 

13. Make CTAs Actionable

When you include CTA (Call to Action) in your email, make sure that they properly position as explained before, but also make them compelling and concise. Your CTA should express clearly what you want your readers to do, and what they will find when they click through. When you place your CTA properly and clearly, you will get good results. 

14. Email Body Short

As previously mentioned, your email needs to be short. People’s time is precious, so they are ready to read long descriptive text of your business or your products. So, make sure that the email body is short and to the point. Next time, put a challenge for you to cut the email in two before sending. This way, you will be more precise and you will reduce the email to the most important points your reader needs. 

15. Automate

You can do everything manually, but there are tools that would make things easy for you. There are a lot of services and tools to automate your email marketing. Such tools can help you schedule your emails to get out when you want and also give your informative analytics to understand how your emails perform. 

16. Be Natural

Customers are likely to interact with real marketer and businesses, so you need to be natural and write in a conversational way, and stay away from strict formulas. Most importantly treat your readers the way you treat people you meet in everyday life (of course respectfully). This way, your subscribers would like you and reward you by their faithfulness. 

When you implement email marketing strategies the right way, you will get good results. These tips can help you put your email campaigns on the right track in order to send helpful, exciting, and valuable emails.


Rachid Madani

I'm here to help you reach success with your online business. I can help with content marketing, social media, SEO, and email marketing. I provide tips you can follow to build a succesful online business.

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