5 Email Marketing Tips to Win

5 Email Marketing Tips to Win

Email marketing is one of the old channels of online marketing, but most of businesses still do not profit of its strength. Let’s first remind you that 196.4 million emails are sent every day worldwide. Half of this huge number of emails is newsletters.

These huge numbers would push you ask an important question: how many of my emails are read? And when they are read, do they really convince the reader to browse to your website and most importantly do business with you.

If you don’t do your email marketing the appropriate way, you won’t reach your goals. As you target subscribers with email marketing plans, remember that there are many other businesses out there that do the same.

So how you can build your email marketing on right strategies?  Boost your email marketing strategies with these influential tips.

1. Remember - Email Readers Are Human
This something of course you know, but it easy to forget when creating your email marketing plans. You get lost between percentages and numbers and you start depersonalizing your subscribers. Keep reminding yourself when you are writing your emails and address your subscribers’ humanity. You include for instance their first name, and construct your email as if you are addressing this same person.

Write your emails in a friendly and conversational tone. Do be in a hurry to reach CALL TO ACTION which is your email objective. Also, do not push sale pitches as if you are dependant. If the reader doesn’t like your email tone, he will automatically scroll down and “unsubscribe” from your list.

2. One Email – One Objective
You may think of reducing the number of email you send and think of including different topics in one email. Do not do that. Write about one topic in your email and be clear and comprehensible. It’s not a good idea for instance to start your email as a how-to email, and later on you try to turn it into a sale pitch, that will hurt your strategies.

Before starting to write your email, limit the purpose to only one simple statement. Decide if your email would be informative about your products, or if you want them to download your free book, or to interact with your products, or whatever.

3. Don’t Trick
Sometimes you may want to increase your email readability, and you will try to trick recipients. You catch them by a title but the email is about something different. It’s important to write enticing titles, but the title should be relevant to what is in the email.

4. Mix Content
Certainly your recipients have different tastes, so you need to prepare different types of content to satisfy as much as possible of your subscribers. One of the core elements you need while building your email marketing plans is to know your customer demographic location.  This way, you can make different plans depending on that.  

Also, to increase your email readability you need to avoid sending useless emails. Because when subscribers are used to receive only valuable emails from you, they will get excited to read your emails.

5. Email Objective – CALL TO ACTION
Don’t send email without including a call to action. Always include an action you want the reader to do after reading your email. For instance, you may want them to take a poll, to watch a video, to review a product, or simply to buy. If you don’t tell them to do so, they may not take the action you want. 

 And you, what you think?


Rachid Madani

I'm here to help you reach success with your online business. I can help with content marketing, social media, SEO, and email marketing. I provide tips you can follow to build a succesful online business.

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